Retrofit Egress Window Install in Seargentsville, New Jersey

Egress Solutions just completed another egress window install in Seargentsville, New Jersey. The project was a full excavation using a Boman Kemp 8036 well, safety grate, cover, escape ladder and 6050 window. We worked closely with the general contractor and homeowner on this job, timing our work while the home was undergoing extensive remodeling. The purpose of adding the egress system was to make the finished space a whole lot brighter and of course safer. The 6 foot by 5 foot window brought quite a bit of natural light to the basement level. The general contractor was replacing all of the siding on the house and will flash around the new window. This basement had not seen this kind of natural light since the day it was built. We know the new homeowners really enjoyed watching this process and seeing their egress window system come to life. We appreciated working with this great client and know they will enjoy the safety and security of this window for years to come!
Features of Retrofit Egress Window Install in Seargentsville, New Jersey
- Boman Kemp 6050 Basement Egress Window, Well, Safety Grate, Cover, Escape Ladder
- Cut existing foundation
- Work with general contractor to determine timing and location
- Added a much needed 2nd exit from this basement
- Brought natural light to what was a very dark basement
Quote from Customer about Egress Window Installation
“THANK YOU! The crew you sent are very hard-working, polite and it was very interesting to see the process of our new egress window system being installed. We really appreciate all they did. Our general contractor also mentioned that these guys are a well oiled machine and I know he took note because it’s hard to find a good company to do these installations. Anytime Egress Solutions needs a reference we would be more than happy to provide one. Thanks again. Take care”
– Jennifer, Seargentsville, NJ